Blog Archives

2nd Annual Prospect Road Crafters’ Market – October 15th, 2011

The first meeting of the year, of the Prospect Road Crafters’ Market was recently held. Although this may seem early to start planning for the fall, there are many issues to be discussed and committees to be set up. The next meeting will be JUNE 6th at 7 p.m. at the Prospect Road Community Centre, and if you plan on becoming a member it is important that you attend, as there will be a cut-off date for membership this year. Guidelines are being prepared to identify who qualifies as a member of the market and therefore benefits from such things

Posted in 2nd Annual Market, Craft Market Blog, News and Updates

1st Crafters Market – A Big Thank You

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! If you attended the Craft Market or even just drove by the Community Centre, last Saturday then you would know what a success it was. To be such a success you also know we have numerous people to thank and some of them are: Delisca Cook – Prospect Road Community Centre for providing us with the space on Friday evening for set up and all day Saturday for the Market. All the residents of the Prospect Road and surrounding communities who supported the market. All the crafters from other areas that joined our group

Posted in Craft Market Blog, News and Updates
Photos from the Market
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